Its a fight for their country, not yours!
Lets be honest now, there is no such thing as end of terrorism. This group has grown so much that they can be found anywhere in the world. They are smart and therefore deadly. I'll say that by helping USA in Afghan war, which was done by ZIa Ul Haq, was one of the major mistakes the Pakistani Government made and we are still paying for it.The terrorist organization has split in so many that now tracing them is nearly impossible, and therefore adds to the threat. The smaller groups might fight with each other, but they unite at one point: destroying the infidels (that's what they call USA).
This mistake has led to some major disasters not just in Pakistan but all around the world.
Pick up a newspaper and you will definitely find some terrorism around.
The point that is to be stated here is that if you trying to end terrorism be hopeless, because it's something impossible, however, we can defend our territory against this.
Terrorism is like a virus, once it plagues the system it is not possible to kill, but you can always limit its effects. The medicines you take to cure this virus (international interference) also have its side effects, one living example of it is Afghanistan. The U.S military has taken control over Afghanistan since 2001. The country is now no more the same after the happenings of 9/11. Angered by the actions of USA and how they changed their country, they spread around the world to keep a strong hold. People just couldn't understand why? They had the answer to it and a legitimate one. Their country was invaded by others, and now they do the same to all others. You might cry over the situation in Palestine, but you will never notice that these guys also had home and they have every right to be angry upon it. I am not saying, though, that their actions to cope with their actions are legitimate, but their anger is.
You know how feels like when someone takes something that defines you away from you?
You say they should have hope to get their country back. Here is the thing, they did have hope, but now as we are hopeless about ending terrorism, they got hopeless that they will get their country back and this what made them IMMORTALS.
The article is not in favor of terrorism or such kind of violent acts. It's just the truth to the world that you would hate it when others rule over you.
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