A young woman, wrapped tightly in a scarf, gave me a thin, highly creepy, smile as she took away my paper. Her smile triggered alarms and my brain informed me she was going to take my paper, hide in a dark corner and tear it, never to be seen again. I shuddered.
We all sat still, waiting.
I glared at the clock, daring it to go any slower. My fingers drummed the table in impatience. My eyes surveyed the limited view for the thousandth time. The same windows, the same out stretched hall with rows of chairs laid out, the same darned chirping chick hidden somewhere, still annoying me till I was ready to pluck every feather off its tiny body.
I gave a low groan of frustration. It seemed time had taken my dare seriously and won it too.
“Candidates thank you for your cooperation. You may leave the hall in an orderly fashion. Row one please move towards the exits.” A loud monotonous voice called out.
I put my head in my hands. I was oh so luckily seated in Row 23. This was going to take ages and right now even that seemed like an impossible occurrence. Invigilators were cruel, cruel minions sent straight from Hell to torture us poor souls.
I looked to my neighbor and grinned at the sight. His eyes were drawn wide trying to count the rows laid out next to us, probably for something to do.
“Row 11 please stand up and leave.” The voice almost seemed bored to tears. Just like every other person in this cursed building!
I slowly began to scratch nonexistent itches, pluck out invisible flecks of dust off my uniform and read my ID card till I had it memorized.
“Row 23 leave for the exits.” The voice called. I almost went hysterical due to the sudden relief and delight I felt. I got off my seat, grabbed my pencil box and strode purposefully towards the door. I moved as fast as I could without running.
Bursting out of the examination hall for the last time, I breathed in deeply. It smelled like freedom.
At last! Independence was here!
I could now freely get bored and sleep my days away. How absolutely exciting!
Ciao, Ilma Zuberi.
P.S= Follow and leave comments please :D