It's only a
matter of time that we realize how better off and how luckier we are than so
many people out there. We keep complaining to our parents about out how our
friends have the latest iPhone model and how they wear branded clothes and we
don't. Little do we realize that there are people in the same world who long to
cover themselves with proper clothes, who don't even know that brands and
labels exist.
It takes us
less than a millisecond to turn to God with anger in our hearts and frowns on
our faces as we complain to Him about how He doesn't grant us our wishes. We
don't realize how much He is giving us, showering on us and there are people
who He doesn't give anything at all.
Between our
constant I-want-a-new-phone and I-don't-to-eat-this ramblings, we fail to
notice those poor, homeless people spending their days and nights on dry, hard
footpaths. Barefoot, shelter less and hungry -they crave for something as
simple as a sip of clean water.
The children
we see every day picking and collecting garbage in the huge, dirty bags hung
over their shoulders, while on our way to our schools and colleges. Do they not
deserve to carry a knapsack loaded with books? Or wear the blue and white
checkered uniform with shiny, polished shoes? They aren't any different from
us, are they? Yet we complain and whine about how imperfect our lives are.
Little do we realize that this tad ungratefulness will take away all that we
have now and we'll be left with nothing.
If God is
constantly showering His blessings on you and giving you more than you ever
asked for, do not for a moment think that He is very happy with you and
depending on that assumption you stop praying to God. No. It is nothing but a
test. A test to see how you extend that helping hand and help those poor,
unfortunate souls from the expanding amount of wealth He's giving you.
Don't be
ungrateful and tired of your ‘miserable’ life. Learn to be happy with what you
have and don't whine about what you don't. Because there are people who don't
even have a quarter of what you have all together.
It all comes
down to being thankful enough and thanking God for every little thing He gives
you. Also, being generous and having a huge heart when it comes to helping
others. Maybe, God will then give you something you've never even dreamed of.
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